Monday, December 12, 2011

Problem: you have too many friends. Nothing can beat this solution...


I like the idea of wearable computing. I do see lots of potential. Things like location-tracking shoes for people suffering from dimentia or shirts which can pick up heart rates and communicate the data with smartphones could make life a bit easier for some. But I'm not so sure about this product.

The "Wearable DJ Quality Drum Machine" won't just help you to loose friends and annoy people, you can also use it to discourage visits from parents and in-laws, and you can be sure to be the biggest loser at the party.

I'm not even sure I should include this two-minute+ video here. When it comes to geekiness, I'm not sure anything can beat this:

( and please note that this actually appears to be sold out! Hope you can get yours for the holidays. )

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