Woody Allen once quipped that by making “Schindler's List,” Steven Spielberg finally earned the right to “eat at the grownups’ table.” Well, Martin Scorsese’s latest film, “Hugo,” has earned that director the right to sit in the back of the banquet hall with the kids.
A Scorsese family flick, fun for all ages? Yup. But not only is “Hugo” a bona-fide kids’ movie, it’s also a new level for 3D in which three dimensional imaging is used in such a subtle way, it never seems forced or fails.
If you haven’t seen “Hugo,” I do recommend it. And do throw down the extra three bucks for 3D. The story, which first centers around the gritty daily survival skills of 12-year-old orphan Hugo Cabret, slowly turns into a tribute to French revolutionary filmmaker Georges Méliès. It’s some smooth story telling by Scorsese and gives recognition or a rather unknown innovator and a man Scorsese certainly studied while a young film student at NYU.
“Hugo” is “Mean Streets” crossed with “Sesame Street.” It’s “Gangs of New York” crossed with “Oliver Twist.” But “Hugo” is not only a new genre for Scorsese, it’s a new genre for 3D content. It is 3D done right. Now I wonder if it’s soon time that mobile 3D will be done right.
Will more 3D get in our face? And in our pockets soon? More to come.
Une adventure 3D.
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