Monday, June 11, 2012

Even more thinkput. Pong with your mind. Pong, you've come a long way baby!

via The New York TIMES >>


Gestures, voice, eyeput, thinkput. Is touch about to get company.

Yes, the head games keep on coming. Here are some more cool examples of the potential of brain-computer interface.

For those of you in the audience old enough to do so, think back to the days when you first saw Pong and think how far computer games have come. Now let's think ahead 30 years or so and wonder how far mind-controlled input can go. Imagine how it can help the disabled. Prevent auto accidents. Exercise the mind.

If you haven't had a chance to try any BCI devices, please do so. It will make your head spin.

Brain Wave Pong by Cornell students, via ENGADGET

Brain Pong in New York. Photo via Figment Project

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